Songs with a strong African flavor, expressed this film is full of war, poverty and backwardness of the land abandoned to love.
歌曲带有浓郁的非洲气息,表达了对这片充满战火、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。We were wrong. Then Makarov turned the U. S. into his scapegoat. Next thing you know there's flames everywhere.
我们错了。马卡洛夫把美国变成了他的替罪羊,接下来你也明白战火将四起。Near Basra, ICRC contractor was repairing a water pipe after it was damaged by an explosion during the war.
在巴士拉附近,红十字国际委员会正维修一条被战火破坏的水管。Yellow Crane Tower is often destroyed by heartless flames of war, often restored to prosperity.
黄鹤楼往往毁坏于无情的战火,又常常修葺于繁荣的盛世。All records of him Meanwhile, his unit was lost and all records of him had been destroyed.
与此同时,他所在的部队被击溃,他的所有档案材料全部毁于战火。As you know, as you probably know, I'm the son of a schoolteacher.
我出身在一个教师的家庭,我的童年是在战火中度过的。Yasui proudly points to an electric dishwasher, perhaps the only one of its kind in this battle-scarred Afghan province.
Yasui不无自豪地指着一架电动洗碗机,也许这是这个惨遭战火蹂躏的阿富汗省份里唯一的一台洗碗机了。In Europe they joyously count the houses, the whole cities that have been leveled to the ground and that "will have to be replaced. "
第二次世界大战结束后,他们兴致勃勃地清点那些在欧洲被战火夷为平地、必须重建的房子和城市。"If it is under siege for a long time that country's currency gets destroyed, so gold in that country's currency will take off, " he said.