Then the prophet quickly removed the headband from his eyes, and the king of Israel recognized him as one of the prophets.
他急忙除掉蒙眼的头巾,以色列王就认出他是一个先知。We are sorry that we forgot the name of our room attendant as she was lovely but we are sure that they will be able to distinguish her.
遗憾的是,我们不记得我们的房间服务员叫什么名字了,但是因为她非常地讨人喜欢,我们敢肯定他们会认出她的。Has been trying to say is: Superman is not masked, but his girlfriend would Leng Shimei to recognize him, myopia, or foolish do it?
一直想说的是:超人是不蒙面的,可他女朋友就愣是没把他认出来,近视呢还是傻冒呢?And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent word into all that surrounding region and brought to Him all who were ill.
那地方的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到四周全境,把一切有病的带到他那里,He was able to see some of the road. And he recognized Cassim's house.
他看到了部分的路,因而认出那是凯辛的家。"These people have been observed at two matches trying to enter the stadiums without tickets, " the statement continued.
发言人续说:“这些人被认出在两场比赛中试图无票混入球场。”It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I recognized he was a famous star.
直到他摘下墨镜,我才认出他是一位明星。(强调句)Peering out his door into the night, he recognized the face of a trusted neighbor.
他开门窥望,夜色中认出是一位可靠的邻居。"I might have identified the bird as a yellow-throated vireo if I'd had more than a dorsal view, " explained Roger.