汉语拼音:wēi rú lěi luǎn
也说危于累卵。像堆起来的蛋一样,很容易倒下来打碎。比喻情况非常危险。《战国策·秦策四》:“君危于累卵。” 累(lěi)。
- 【解释】:比喻形势非常危险,如同堆起来的蛋,随时都有塌下打碎的可能。
- 【出自】:《韩非子·十过》:“其君之危,犹累卵也。”《史记·范睢蔡泽列传》:“秦王之国,危于累卵,得臣则安。”
- 【示例】:大名~,破在旦夕。
◎明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第六十三回 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容十分危险
The point, she said, is to protect Darfurians and relieve the AU peacekeepers, who are "sitting ducks" now.
她说,目的是要保护达尔富尔人民并解脱非盟维和部队,他们现在面临的处境危如累卵。In offering this alternative way of looking, I am aware that more is at stake than an academic quibble.
提供这种新的观看视角并不是学术的诡辩,而是迫于危如累卵形势。More than Mr Erdogan's career is at stake. So is Turkey's future.
不只是埃尔多安先的职业生涯危如累卵,土耳其的未来尤甚。For one, the near-collapse of Bear Stearns has shown that some banks' very survival may be at stake.
首先,美国第五大投资银行贝尔斯登的濒临倒闭表明一些银行已经危如累卵。The careers of scientists, the health of patients and the scientific future of the nation are at stake.
科学家们的事业、患者们的健康、以及这个国家的科技未来,现在是危如累卵。As the global population soars toward nine billion by 2045, this corner of Africa shows what's at stake in the decades ahead.
全球人口到2045年将达到90亿,而非洲的这个角落现在的形势就已经危如累卵了。The other main argument against pulling back from Afghanistan is that western credibility is at stake.
反对从阿富汗撤军的另一个主要理由是,西方的信誉现在危如累卵。More was at stake than just the fate of the two men.
比起这两个人的命运,还有许多事情危如累卵。Now the debacle at Salomon had exposed him utterly, putting the entirety at stake.