For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex.
对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。In the enjoyment of sexual pleasure when not to consider safety measures, out of such a thing can only carry so their consequences.
在享受性快感的时候不去考虑安全措施,出了这样的事情只能自己背负这样的恶果。Ninety-percent of the surveyed women responded that the thickness of a penis was a more important elicitor of pleasure.
90%的调查对象称阴茎的粗细对性快感的作用更大。Scientists are working on a chip that can be implanted in the human body to help stimulate sexual pleasure, according to reports.
距报道,科学家们正在研究一种能植入人体以帮助提升性快感的晶片。Some of us really enjoy vaginal stimulation by finger, penis, sex toy (or other item).
我们中间的确有人喜欢手指,肉棒,性玩具或者其它东西带来的性快感。Their interviewees reported, and Koster and Price speculate, that labial elongation increases the sexual pleasure of both sexes.
根据受访者的报告,Koster和Price推测,阴唇的延长提高了男女双方的性快感。Some express themselves by twitching or moving their bodies rhythmically as a response to sexual pleasure.
一些人通过抽搐和身体的节律性动作表达自己,就像那性快感的反应。I find it worrying that masturbating and sexual pleasure would be tied to such negativity.
我也认为对自慰和性快感赋予太多的负面意义的现状令人堪忧。Outercourse allows lovemaking to last longer, and couples are given the opportunity to soak in more of what the sexual experience is about.