Though neighbours disapproved of his vagaries, they did not treat him with hostility , as they might have done a stranger.
邻居虽然不赞成他为人怪癖,却也不象对生人那样敌视他。She never met a stranger, worked hard to put her patients at ease before surgery, and genuinely enjoyed the company of her co-workers.
她从不和生人交往,工作勤奋,手术前总能让病人轻松入睡,和同事们一起也真的很开心。The new man they did not know; Albert Ned was also very quiet and unobtrusive.
他们不认识的生人亚伯特-奈里也是个非常本分,不愿出风头的人。She crawled about the floor, peering at it with a candle for marks of a strange foot.
她在地板上爬来爬去,用一支蜡烛在地上照,想看看有没有生人的脚印。And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.
羊不跟着生人,因为不认得他的声音。必要逃跑。None of this would matter much if today's graduates could gain the sort of wage premiums of those born in the 1950s and 1960s.
如果今天的毕业生能拿到五六十年代生人的工资优势,所有这些都不重要。Well, I'll go if he wants me to, but I don't like meeting strangers. I'm not used to it. '
好吧,如果他让我去我就去。不过我不喜欢见生人,我不习惯。Now she was accusing me in front of a stranger. My hopes of starting a new life at school began to fade.
现在她又当着生人的面指责我,我到学校开始新生活的愿望开始破灭了。American people do not always shake hands upon meeting strangers.