In the long-term I definitely see myself playing in the middle, but I don't think I'm just a holding midfielder or an attacking midfielder.
长期来看我对自己的定位是正中场,但我并不认为自己是单纯的中场核心或者攻击中场。Master sitting on the floor, legs straight, buttocks on the middle of the dog to make it a positive supine.
主人坐在地板上,双腿伸直,把狗狗屁股放在正中,使其正面仰卧。The mother, which was just as he wished, proposed it to him to talk with Mrs. Betty.
他的母亲,正中他的心愿,托他去同柏蒂太太磋商。But such a focus on firepower would play into Mr Assad's hands: the grounds on which he would most like to fight are military.
不过专注于军事问题正中阿萨德下怀:他最希望的就是反对派与他进行军事对抗。On the surface, the announcement of a Google operating system seems to many like a shot at rival Microsoft, an attack at MS's core business.
从表面上看,谷歌公司发布新的操作系统,矛头直指其竞争对手微软公司,且正中其要害。"He told me it had a golden horn in the middle of its forehead, " she said.
他说独角兽的前额正中有一只金色的犄角。I must let the first one get a good hold and hit him on the point of the nose or straight across the top of the head, he thought.
我必须让第一条鲨鱼好好咬住了才打它的鼻尖,或者直朝它头顶正中打去,他想。There appears to be a small region on either side of the body's median plane (which bisects the body vertically) where people have trouble.
这似乎显示,人体正中面(将人体垂直分割成左右两半)的两侧都有一小区死角。Herpes zoster ophthalmicus presents with an erythematous, macular rash around the eye of the affected dermatome and does not cross midline.