He is a brown-nose and none of my colleagues likes him in the company.
他是个马屁精,公司里没有一个同事喜欢他。Finally, I realised the truth, it named to be a ass kisser , or in other graceful words, manage up.
最后,我意识到被称之为马屁精的真相。或者,换个优雅的说法是溜须。He often goes to his boss's office alone and kisses ass of his boss. His fellow workers call him an ass-kisser.
他经常自己去老板的办公室给老板拍马屁,别人都说他是个马屁精。Everybody knows that he is an apple-polisher. He owes his present position to the little favours he has done to his superiors.
谁都知道他是个马屁精,他能有今天,就是因为他对上级所使的种种小恩小惠。I'm not sure. . . well, first, it couldn't be George. He is such a kiss-ass. He'd wash the boss's dog if he asked.
不清楚。嗯,首先我觉得不会是乔治。他是个大马屁精,即使老板去叫他给狗洗澡,他也会去的。Bob's such a kiss-ass . Did you see him agreeing with everything the chairman said this morning?
鲍勃真是个马屁精。你见他今天早上对董事长言听计从的样子么?You only know how to suck up to your boss to get a raise, you giant brown nose!
你就知道拍你老板的马屁来涨工资,你这个马屁精!I despise toadies who suck up to their bosses; they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates.
我鄙视对上司谄媚奉承的马屁精;这种人通常也擅于欺凌威胁他们的下属。Naturally. Everyone knows he's the biggest boot licker in the company.