汉语拼音:lè jí shēng bēi
《淮南子·道应训》:“夫物盛而衰,乐极则悲。” 意思是说快乐到极点就会发生使人悲痛的事。
- 【解释】:高兴到极点时,发生使人悲伤的事。
- 【出自】:《史记·滑稽列传》:“酒极则乱,乐极则悲,万事尽然,言不可极,极之而衰。”《淮南子·道应训》:“夫物盛而衰,乐极则悲。”
- 【示例】:谁知~,一朝触犯了朝廷,阖门待勘,未知生死。
◎明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷十七 - 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指高兴到极点就发生使人悲伤的事
But she also said she was almost afraid to enjoy everything, fearing that if she enjoyed it too much, something bad might happen.
可是,她又表示,她几乎害怕享受这一切,因为恐怕自己对这种生活过于陶醉,可能会乐极生悲。The tidings of my high fortunes having had a heavy fall , had got down to my native place before I got there .
我还没回到故乡,故乡就传遍了我乐极生悲,从高枝上一落千丈的消息。We seek happiness, but too much of it leads to sorrow. We fly from suffering because too much of it is dispiriting.
快乐,是人之所求但太乐则乐极生悲忧苦,是人之所厌但太苦则无以奋志。I think I'm afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens. --Charlie Brown.
我想我是不敢开心了,因为每次都会乐极生悲。--查理•布朗。The tiger was overjoyed at catching the river deer, but it didn't expect to be shot to death. Extreme joy begets sorrow.
老虎捕到了獐子高兴万分,却没料到中箭而死,真可谓是乐极生悲。Science has made great advances in technology and that certainly counts as good. But we should also realize the truth in the saying.
科技使人生活得到改善,人当然认为它是好的,可我们也得明白俗语所谓「乐极生悲」的道理。Over indulgence in joy will cause sadness, which eventually disturbs the normal life.
过度耽于享乐的结果,往往导致乐极生悲,以至最终影响到日常生活的运作。Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed ?
我是智力迟钝还是乐极生悲呢?。Am I retard? Or am I just overjoyed?