Hence he has no longer any need of things which are not to be won save by labor and conflict.
因此这种人对任何需要辛勤劳作和艰苦奋斗才能获得的东西不再有欲求。The past year was a year of hard working and striving, it was also a year that Royal felt most proud of.
过去的一年,是艰苦奋斗的一年,是努力拼搏的一年,也是诺亚国际英语值得骄傲的一年。This ancient land, after 50 years of hard work, has been built to be a scale of the event, modern city.
这块古老的土地,经过五十多年的艰苦奋斗,已被建成一座规模宏大的、现代化的草原钢城。Surely he has been through hell and back trying to put his name out there in the world!
很显然他经过了艰苦奋斗并且努力使自己的名字闻名于世!"from scratch" is to describe the lack of economic fundamentals, hard work under very poor conditions, the creation of the cause.
“白手起家”则形容在缺乏经济基础、条件极差的情况下艰苦奋斗、创立事业。My particular rabbit hole was that I had to consider whether I was willing to work hard to achieve a result I wanted.
我最大的困扰就是总想弄明白我到底是希望通过艰苦奋斗还是希望通过捷径来达到目标。and now, after four years of hard struggle, most of its households have reserves of grain.
经过了四年艰苦奋斗,一年一年好起来,绝大多数的社员成了余粮户。The bill aims to help thousands of struggling homeowners fight off foreclosure.
这个议案的目标是帮助数千个艰苦奋斗的房屋主击退丧失抵押品赎买权。Especially the main characters spirits of arduous struggle and painstaking efforts in face of the adversity still inspire today's readers.