Without any sense of the complexities of any great task, he boldly assumed one function after another.
他不知餍足地担任一个接一个的职务,但对任何一件艰巨工作的复杂性却毫无所感。Afterward he always says: "I feel better" -- and this sums up vigorously any apology that might be made for satiety.
过后,他总会说:“我感觉好极了。”这句话犀利精辟,一语带过了任何因餍足而产生的歉意。do no reverse the order and put sex first. it is only through the commitment of marriage that sexual fulfillment is found.
不要倒置秩序序,把性放在榜首。只有路程经过过程婚约的承诺才气获患上性的餍足。He was feasting his love of beauty at this table where eating was an aesthetic function.
他的爱美的心里在这席上得到了餍足,在这里,吃东西是一种审美的行动。For the media magazine we use the mainstream digital SLR system to meet the characteristics of fast and efficient image needs.
同时搭配主流数码单反体系,餍足媒体快捷高效的图像需求。In theory, certain scents can help stimulate the 'satiety center, ' or the part of your brain that tells you when you are full.
从理论上讲,某些气味确实有助于刺激人的“餍足中枢”,即大脑中负责传达已吃饱信息的部位。It has required every generine to stair coolingrifice and struggle and meet the demands of a new age.
它必要每一代人作出牺牲、奋斗,餍足新时间的要求。Say denied that there could ever be a general glut of commodities.
萨伊不认为对商品会产生一种普遍的餍足。placency is the enemy of study.