Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends'attempts to dissuade him.
It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.
We are fitting out the ship for a long voyage.
The ship is not in a condition to make a long voyage.
One year, Rudolph sailed all the way out to Iceland.
有一年, 鲁道夫远航到冰岛.
It will be of great importance in fields such as astronomical observation and longrange navigation.
For the next 30 years, Zheng He and his men set out to visit the world.
接下来的30年间, 郑和与其手下朝世界远航.
There are many who have journeyed here for many reasons.
Jose Mourinho floats my boat with more buoyancy than Beckham ever could.
We are sailing, I am sailing home again across the sea.
我们正在远航,我们正在远航,再一次穿越大海, 航向我们的港湾.
We are sailing, we are sailing home again'cross the sea.
我们在远航, 我们在远航,跨越重洋,重归家园.
The boat is not in a condition to make a long voyage.
I am sailing, I am sailing . Home again'cross the sea.
我在远航, 我在远航,跨越重洋,重归家园.
Regarding distance voyage such school, how can we let drift?
对于“远航”这样的学校, 我们怎可放任自流?
Have tough - minded boy only , ability appeases billows, hoist the sails Yuan Hang.
只有意志坚强的小伙子, 才能平息波澜, 扬帆远航.