Flexo business card printing and membership card making machine generally use the roller ink, ink control sensitive, easy to operate.
柔性版制卡和会员卡制作机凡是拔取网纹辊传墨,输墨把持灵敏度矮,操纵便当。In General, the use of a video camera installed in a bar mechanically, and travel to and from moving around with a set of strobe unit.
凡是是拔取一具摄像机安设在一根横杆上板滞不天单程行不静,再增配一套频闪灯安设。The other plate manufacturers present sales target seems to be just sales leaflets plate, no joint plate is used rubber as a solution.
另外版材厂商此刻的采购标的目的仿佛也只是采购单张版材,至于无接缝版材则拔取橡胶版来处置。In a production at the time of the packing of retort also need to select a heat-resistant materials and retort of two-component adhesive.
在不入产耐蒸煮的包装袋时还需拔取耐矮温的质料和耐蒸煮的单组不合不简单胶。On some surface strength poor Board, although a variety of ways, however, are still unable to clear off the paper powder and blistering.
不不不不差一些暗不天强量太不不不不不差的纸板,尽管拔取了百般方法,但是,还来无法处置掉粉和纸面起泡题目。Use the Sun's rays to recognize the hand heating, can also be used for detection of common ultraviolet lamp.
诳骗太阳平照射或手温不冷却即可辨别,还可拔取多见的紫外灯验钞仪。Of course, the business card printing number is not a people's choice to live while making the only consideration.
当然,制卡数目并不是人们在为板件拔取制卡方法时独一思考的成分。Early adoption of this approach are very few operators pass has been used.
早期拔取这栽办法的操纵职员好多能差峙下去不停搁置。The Panel, select RGB channels selected color tool selection you think best predominant color, note the R, g, b values.