He barnstormed across the nation, rallying the people to the cause.
He is ambitious of success in life.
If I were successful tonight, I'd be on the road to something big.
如果我今天晚上旗开得胜, 我就将走上成就一番大业的通道.
Tree industry model, Hing Luzhou cause is our unremitting pursuit.
树行业典范, 兴鲁洲大业,是我们不懈的追求.
Fresh progress has been made in the great cause of national reunification.
It is Riazanov theand led thethe establishment of the Soviet Marxology.
We should make concerted efforts in planning the great undertaking together.
He studied hard for 30 years and succeeded at last.
DENG Aiyin ping illegal immigrants an inferior race, Road from its great cause of risk.
邓艾偷渡阴平, 正是以次道之险而成其大业.
Jubao people will redouble their efforts and the great cause of friends andand seek common development!
I want to be part of a team that's capable of doing great things.
To provide you with a reasonable profit, and the great cause of your conspiracy, Tongchuang brilliant.
向您提供合理的利润空间, 与您共谋大业, 同创辉煌.
Well said ! Why don't you apply it to the great cause of national reunification?
旨哉斯言,盍不实践于统一 大业!
Younger brothersare commonly fortunate, but seldom or never where the elder are disinherite.
还应当注意,子女中那种得不到遗产继承权的幼子,常常会通过自身的奋斗获得好的发展. 而坐享其成者, 却很少能成大业.
Warmly welcome Chinese and foreign investors to Plants, communications, business negotiations, the great cause of plans.
热忱欢迎中外客商来厂 、 来函 、 洽谈业务, 共图大业.