Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem.
现在我们说,如果穆罕默德是一个和平的人,比如说,像甘地和德丽莎修女合而为一的圣人,那完全是没有问题的。She doesn't have to overcome a fear of receiving because she identifies so closely with her mother.
她不需要克服惧怕接受,因为她与母亲的行为已合而为一。You are a very diligent student. Then one day your mind and his mingle: you know everything about alcohol, you know how to drink.
直到有一天你的心和他的心合而为一:你知道所有有关酒的事,你知道如何饮酒。Will combine the two, is the author trying to guide readers of both shows, and on knowledge of the article.
将二者合而为一,是笔者试图向读者提供的既引导欣赏,又介绍知识的文章。Rather than pit training against university preparation, they are trying to integrate the two.
相较于将职业教育与大学预科相对立的看法,他们尝试将二者合而为一。The United States, with its tradition of combining strong religious beliefs and religious freedom, is well placed to make that case.
美国以他良好的传统,将强烈的宗教信仰和宗教自由合而为一,当仁不让的成为个案例。The answer, he said, attempting to sound like Kennedy and Reagan rolled into one, is to tear them down.
试图让他的话听起来像是肯尼迪和里根的合而为一,他说,答案就是要彻底摧毁他们。The first time I combined the ideas I had been developing into a single entity, I was working on an IBM 1130, a "third-generation" computer.
我第一次把开发中所有想法合而为一时我在用一台“第三代”电脑IBM1130。This figure, of the corner hoodlum, he saw merge into himself, sitting and talking with an actual university professor.