We will either learning is a process, we will not just competition, but slowly into the cruel nature of the fighting.
学习是一个逆水行舟的过程,这不单单是不进则退的竞争,而是残酷的慢进则退的厮杀。However, we never feel conceited, we reflect upon ourselves because that "Not to advance is to move back" .
但是我们并不为此而感到骄傲和满足,我们时刻在反省,因为不进则退,所以:我们需要改革!This can give the student an added incentive to either progress or regress due to the amount of stimulation that they receive.
因为这点。和平进程可能不进则退。该地区面临着是要和平还是暴力的选择。Please remember: ' against the current good boat, does not enter draws back ' this speech.
请记住:‘逆水行舟,不进则退’这句话。Our tenet is "Sail a boat on the market sea, not to advance is to go back" .
我们的宗旨是“我们就像大海里的帆船,不进则退。”We all say " go " , Business card printing and membership card production enterprise in apart, you need to do more.
俗话说“不进则退”,制卡和会员卡制作企业要想在竞争者中脱颖而出,就需要付出更多的努力。problem The problem of subsistence exists all the time, while the problem of development will retreat if not to advance.
生存问题无时不在、发展问题不进则退。生存问题无时不在、发展问题不进则退。Learn forges out most jealous, "three days of fishing, two days of the net. "
学如逆水行舟,不进则退,最忌“三天打鱼,两天晒网”。Study is like a boat sailing against the current. Which do you want , sink or swim?