
  • In the 1960s, Paul was caught up in the Cultural Revolution, a chaotic attempt to root out elements seen as hostile to Communist rule.


  • However, some experts argued that the notion that there was nothing but the eight Model Operas in Cultural Revolution culture is mistaken.


  • To avoid wasting the precious time talking about French Revolution or Cultural Revolution, desultorily I tried to chat with him in French.


  • Anything is better than a return to the bloody turmoil of the Taiping or the warlord era or to the horrors of the Cultural Revolution.


  • At the height of the Cultural Revolution, the poor man was castigated for putting on airs, pretending to be a "local" Chairman Mao.


  • Mr Tao argues those problems are mild compared with the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, when he began his studies.


  • It was a heritage he knew little about, his education having been disrupted by the chaos of the Cultural Revolution.


  • A few years later, another man she was close to committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution.


  • "The Cultural Revolution was a disaster, " he said. "Those were the darkest days of the People's Republic. "
