The result indicates that this design effectively prevents the phenomenon of the wall of well percolating water-icing ices .
实验结果表明,该设计有效防止了井壁渗漏水的结冰现象。Or maybe it the side of me that was freezing from the 19 degree Fahrenheit temperatures outside.
或者可能外面正结冰,温度为华氏温度19度。Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks, which had been made larger as they melted and refroze in the snow.
大多数人相信这些脚印只是普通动物的足迹,这些足迹由于在雪里融化再结冰而变大了。If you find yourself out of ice, a good tip is to put warm water in the ice tray and pop it in the freezer, as it will freeze quicker.
如果你的冰块用完了,教你一个好办法:在制冰盘中倒入温水,放入冷冻室,冰块结冰的速度会更快。We know they widely been used in copper and aluminum wire, aircraft, radiator, as all can icing at a low temperature or wasting resources.
铜铝广泛的应用在电线、飞机、散热器上,在低温的情况下表面的结冰或者凝霜会浪费资源,给生活带来不便。That's a hard time. The air is cold and damp, and the road is often icy.
是一个艰难时期。空气又冷又潮湿,道路经常结冰。"You could have knocked on that door until hell freezes over and he was not going to let you in, " she said.
你可以去敲他的门,但是就算地狱结冰,他也不会让你进去。With the eyes of the many girls and boys looking at my back I froze inside and I was unable to write a single letter.
在身后那么多男女同学的众目睽睽之下,我心里象结冰一样,一个字母也写不出来。It has turned frosty, and the doctor has said that I can go out in a few days if the fine weather continues.