My name is Anastasia, I looked your profile, all was pleasant to me also I wish to get acquainted with you more close.
我的名字是安娜斯塔利娅,我看了你的个人资料,一切都是愉快的我,我也希望得到更接近与你相识相知。Meet apartment in the days to come, I find no love for her she did not like the ground, as if thinking only of her immigrant and the scene.
在相识相知的日子里,我找不到不爱不喜欢她她的理由,仿佛满脑子都是她的笑靥和倩影……When this little baby grow up and that for her mother who donated sperm, that is, de facto father, love each other know each other.
当这个小婴儿洁莹长大后和那个为她母亲捐献精子的人,即事实上的父亲,相遇相知相爱。From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate.
从相知到相爱,虽然只是短短几天时间,罗丝和杰克已经无法分开。There in her father's apartment, she could see how much his life had been about books and the company they provided.
在她父亲的公寓里,可以了解到他一生中有多少时间与书相伴相知。The next life, only you know! The next life, girl to be your woman! Afterlife, please deep love!
来生,只愿与君相知!来生,丫头要做你的女人!来生,请深爱!I knew her, but not as well as I would later , first in the 1980s when I was a teenager and she was married to her first husband .
我初识(后来当然相知日深)她是在上世纪80年代,当时我还是个花季少女,她也刚和首任丈夫结婚。It's my endless happiness to meet you, to know you, and to become close friends among a sea of crowd.
茫茫人海中,我能与你相识相知并成为挚友,是我无限的快乐。Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier, as he saw his life-long friend fall in battle.