So much conflict has taken place on Earth, because of differences that have been perpetuated and played upon by the dark forces.
在地球上已经发生了这么多的冲突,就是因为这长存的差异性以及由黑暗势力玩弄的诡计。I'm be of honour to make friends with you, and I will always be. Wish you a brilliant future. Yours, .
能与你成为朋友是我的荣幸,我们的友谊将长存.祝福你有一个美好的前程.你的,。"When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order" (Proverbs 28: 2).
「邦国因有罪过,君王就多更换;因有聪明知识的人,国必长存」(箴言28章2节)。Description : Another example of a fine long term adult-child friendship fostered by eco village life.
描述:一个被生态生活熏陶出来的成人——孩子友谊友好长存例子。I know simply that this sky will last longer than I. And what shall I call eternity except what will continue after my death?
那除了这些我死之后依然长存之物,我还应该称何物为永恒呢?I had lingered long near the dwelling where I had been so cruelly changed to what I am, as we do while any that we love or hate remain.
我曾经久久在我命运改变的那个房子的角落里驻足,就像我们曾经那样,爱与恨长存。Therefore, west advantage position building-up always however during the past few years as if will live for ever and ever that thing, but.
因此,西方的优势地位的建立尽管只是晚近之事,却似乎将永世长存。God gives us evidence of the truth of his love for us. And though the proof is a one-time event, the love it demonstrates is for all times.
神向我们证明祂爱我们的事实,尽管这个证据是一次过发生的事件,但它所显明的爱,却是永久长存的。Christmas tree in general is sort of evergreen fir Bo made a symbol of life forever.