汉语拼音:fù kě dí guó
- 【解释】:敌:匹敌。私人拥有的财富可与国家的资财相匹敌。形容极为富有。
- 【出自】:《汉书·邓通传》:“邓氏钱布天下,其富如此。”
- 【示例】:盖卞滨自他祖父遗下家业,到他手里,单以各处田地而论,已有一万余顷,其余可想而知,真是~。
◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》六十四回 - 【语法】:紧缩式;作宾语、定语;形容极为富有
His birthright as the Count of Serenno also afforded him incredible wealth, which he used in his political career as Separatist leader.
他拥有塞伦诺伯爵的继承权,因此富可敌国。作为分离主义领袖,他把这笔财富投入自己的政治生涯。Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde super model who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread.
和一位美艳绝伦,富可敌国,并且认为我是自从面包片问世之后最伟大的人的金发国际明模在巴哈马生活。更详细。How did a family that once owned so much find itself in such a corner?
这样一个一度富可敌国的家族为何陷入如此绝境?More Money than God, published in 2010, has quickly gained status as one of the definitive histories and descriptions of hedge funds.
《富可敌国》在2010年一经出版,便作为对冲基金历史和论述方面的权威书籍迅速畅销。And even neighbours City, with all their wealth, may find it hard to compete with the potential red revolution.
就算是他们富可敌国的邻居曼城,面对这场红色革命也要自叹不如。Her marriage has made Farkash extremely wealthy: she runs a major airline and is said to own some 20 tons of gold personally.
索菲亚因这段婚姻而变得富可敌国:她不但经营着一家大型航空公司,而且据说私人还拥有约20吨黄金。Village merchants grew so rich that their bank accounts held more silver than China's entire annual tax revenue.
辑里商人甚至富可敌国,账户里的银元比中国一年的税收总和还高。The new owners are wealthy but not in the oligarch category and thus the answer is surely more debt and higher ticket prices.
新买主的确是富有,但不见得富可敌国。所以最明显的答案就是更多的债务和更高的门票价格。Had the takeover never happened, how fearsomely United could now be swaggering.