If kids are distracted all day long, in and out of school, they may never learnto think deeply.
如果孩子们不管在校内还是校外总是一副心烦意乱的样子,那么他们永远也学不会怎样深刻地思考。You and some friends are organizing an English Festival. Write out a poster you are going to put up outside your school.
你和你的朋友们正在筹备英语节,试着策划一张贴在校外的海报。Anyway, we've got to go, Lee Jordan reckons he's found a new secret passageway out of the school.
好了,我们得走了。李·乔丹认为他已经找到了一条能通向校外的秘道。I was an assistant of Student office director at my college. I gained some experiences in sales as my after school job.
曾担任校学生会办公室主任助理,院学生会办公室主任等职务,也在校外做过一些促销方面的兼职。And I'd like to talk just briefly a little about on-campus living, off-campus living, and some of the advantages and disadvatages of each.
我将简单的谈一下有关住在校内或校外的优点和缺点。Since the year of 2004, the external social forces are widely participation of the National University, to be an unprecedented development.
自2004年国立大学法人化的实行至今,来自校外的社会力量广泛参与国立大学的办学,国立大学的社会力量得到史无前例的发展。Outside school, meanwhile, teachers must also avoid public language that mocks, demeans or disparages the children they instruct.
同时,在校外,教师同样应避免那些嘲笑,贬低或是蔑视他们教的学生的公开言论。He teaches them how to read and how to think, so, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.
他教学生怎么阅读、怎么思考,这样,更多的东西需要学生在校外自己学。I never had time to run competitively outside of school, so to me, that was competition.