It was extremely hot and I was feeling rather randy.
They sweltered in temperatures rising to a hundred degrees.
The oppressive afternoon heat had quite tired him out.
When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!
By the evening it had become unbearably hot.
What I fear most are the hot days, I can't stand them.
我最怕的就是暑伏的天气, 酷热难耐.
Systemic eczema is strange extremely urticant, how to effect a radical cure?
全身湿疹奇痒难耐, 怎么根治?
I was kind of mad that the league said no 12 - foot rim.
Yes, it's sweltering. The temperature has climbed to thirty - eight degrees centigrade.
是的, 真是酷热难耐. 气温已经升到了 三十八 摄氏度.
Doleful and intolerable, not be not to think, talk about a love.
寂寞难耐, 不是不想, 谈个恋爱.
I could see then the anxiety upon the teacher's face, the worried impatience.
100我那时看得出老师脸上的忧虑的神情, 那种担心而又难耐的神情.
To be sure, experts warn that conservation should be taken only so far when weather oppressive.
当然, 专家警告称当酷热难耐时,我们为节电所做的努力应该适可而止.
Daytime sea breezes also help take the edge off but nights can be quite muggy.
It is hilarious to watch these markers go crazy when their idiotic conversations are interrupted.
It is played in the mud and on unbearable hot days.