
  • He asks how much you would pay us to let you die.


  • "If I had not seen you before and talked to you, I would kill you with my own hands, " she said.


  • Snake: Schneider? . . . You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven! But. . . I thought they killed you!


  • I am required to slay him. Was that not part of the request you made to me? That I should slay your enemy?


  • You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of righteousness. . . and I won't kill you because you're too much fun.


  • If you send someone to kill Jack Bauer, the only thing you accomplish is supplying him a fresh set of weapons to kill you with.


  • 'Are They trying to murder you, Fagin? I would if I was the m. I'd have done it long ago. Now, give me some beer, and don't poison it.


  • "Fool! Would you force me to kill you! " His hands were clasped around the simulagent's thick neck now.


  • I said, then do it. Go on, kill yourself. You'd be doing us all a favor. Only don't be a man about it. Be a queen.
