But, unexpectedly, it did not find that that Russia had abused its legal system to destroy the company.
但是,出乎意料的是,法庭并不认为俄罗斯乱用其法律系统来摧毁这家公司。You can do, is to continue to follow their own path, finding genuine friends, true to their family or friends to pay for, do not use chaos.
你能做的,就是继续走自己的路,找寻真心知己,把自己的真心先为家人或朋友付出,别去乱用。Do not use my name for evil purposes, for I, the Lord your God, will punish anyone who misuses my name.
不许以我的名义作恶,因为我——主,你们的上帝——将惩罚任何乱用我的名字的人。This information is programmed into the motion capture animation and should not be messed with.
此信息编程到动作捕捉动画,不应乱用。I'm not as critical as I used to be about my body.
我再也不会像当时那样乱用我的身体了。Lightweight development is a huge topic, and developers throw the term around so often that it's hard to tell what it means.
“轻量级开发”是一个很大的课题,开发人员到处乱用这个术语以至于很难讲清楚它的意思。These terms are often used incorrectly, although they describe fairly simple color concepts.
这几个术语经常被乱用,虽然它们只是十分简单的色彩概念。The word "evil" is tossed around carelessly.
“邪恶”这个词被不经意的乱用。Some of the pressure value is not strictly required, indiscriminate use is easy to damage human body.