What he tried to do, in his Cairo speech six months into his administration, is now in reach.
奥巴马上任六个月后曾在开罗发表讲话,他在那次讲话中试图实现的目标,现在已触手可及。As always, I was electrically aware of Edward sitting close enough to touch, as distant as if he were merely an invention of my imagination.
和往常一样,我像被电了一下,意识到爱德华虽然坐得在触手可及的地方,却如此遥远,仿佛他只是我虚构出来的一个梦。I've been walking for hours, yet it still looks as if I could reach out and touch it.
我已经走了好几个小时,但它仍然看起来触手可及。Clear the bottom of the sea, soft sand, the sky can be reached , and the sweet village.
清澈见底的海,柔软的沙滩,触手可及的蓝天,淳朴可爱的村民。The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.
两点之间的距离仅仅是思念,别无其他,仿佛触手可及,却遥不可及。Nothing but the sickness and death he felt surrounded by . . . And yet, at the very moment that the world was crumbling, he was alive.
只剩下疾病和死亡正四下里包围着他,宛若触手可及……然而就在世界分崩离析的这一刻,他却拥有着生命。Drying off with a stinky towel is not pleasant after getting squeaky clean. Get rid of that nasty mold funk with a few kitchen supplies.
清洁后用发出霉味的毛巾来擦拭是令人不愉快的。利用厨房一些触手可及的物品,清除这种令人不快的异味。Actually, happiness is consisted of a series of little satisfaction, around us, but we never found that it is so close to us and accessible.
其实,幸福是一个个小小满足的串联,它就在我们每一个人的身边,只是我们从来没有感觉到它是如此的近距离,触手可及。blue also symbolizes a dream, when you look up to blue sky, blue sea Looking at some of the dream you will find at your fingertips.