汉语拼音:yōu xīn rú fén
忧愁的心情像火烧一样。形容非常忧虑焦急。《诗经·小雅·节南山》:“忧心如惔(tán,火烧)。” 三国魏曹植《释愁文》:“形容枯悴,忧心如焚。”
- 【解释】:如焚:像火烧一样。心里愁得像火烧一样。形容非常忧虑焦急。
- 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·节南山》:“忧心如焚,不敢戏谈。”
- 【示例】:~,命不久矣。
At five o'clock Wellington drew out his watch, and he was heard to murmur these sinister words, "Blucher, or night! "
五点钟时威灵顿取出他的表,说了这样一句忧心如焚的话:“布吕歇尔不来就完了!”He' s in an agony of worry over the baby, and he feels she let him down.
他为了孩子而忧心如焚,而且他认为她误了他的大事。BP was so worried about the proceedings that the company prevailed on then Prime Minister Tony Blair to intervene.
事态发展令英国石油公司忧心如焚,它甚至说服时任英国首相托尼•布莱尔进行干预。Countries out of a big deal, we often observe in television, radio before, with good reason.
国家出了大事,我们常守在电视机、收音机前,忧心如焚。the anxiety increased , became almost painful for a moment.
越发增添了心中的忧虑,一时竟至忧心如焚。The troubled city treasurer , on being shown into Mr. Mollenhauer's presence , at once sank feebly in a chair and collapsed .
这个忧心如焚的市财政局长,被引到莫仑霍的面前,立即无力地倒在一把椅子里,浑身瘫痪了。I'm always in agony over whether Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are really going to get together.
而伊丽莎白和达西先生能否终成眷属这一点总是让我忧心如焚。Many distraught parents opt to homeschool after receiving one or more of these dred diagnoses for their children.
很多忧心如焚的家长在孩子收到一份或更多此类可怕的诊断后,选择了家庭学校。When four years ago we met to inaugurate a President, the Republic, single-minded in anxiety, stood in spirit here.