If you think that adds up to bad luck, you'll want to start the day in a bath of half hot and half cold water mixed with a bowl of salt.
如果你觉得这是凶兆,那就先用一半热水一半凉水加一碗盐洗个澡来开始这一天。Louis surveyed me with his shrewd gray eyes and shook his head portentously.
鲁易用他狡猾的灰色眼睛打量着我,预示凶兆般地摇着头。Ordinary astronomical phenomena are imbued with a sense of threat by people who already think the world is going to end.
对那些认为世界已经走到尽头的人来说,任何普通的天文现象都可以是凶兆。evidence available to the seven at the time of the meeting showed that the threat of a big quake in the near future was real.
但在会议召开时,七人已获得一些证据,证明不久后一场大地震即将发生的凶兆是真实存在的。IT IS supposed to be the canary's job to give the warning, but this time the miners have done it themselves.
本应期待金丝雀婉转道出凶兆,可这一次矿工们自己动手了。If pyramids are such a threat to minority shareholders, Mr Khanna asks, why does anybody ever buy shares in them?
如果金字塔对少数一些股东来说是那样的凶兆,,为什么还有人买里头的股票呢?If this proves to be a permanent shift, slower productivity growth bodes ill for inflation and living standards.
如果这被证实为永久性转移,更加缓慢的生产率增长预示着通货膨胀和生活水平的凶兆。Its creator, a blind mathematician named Jim Miekka, said his indicator is now predicting a market meltdown in September.
提出兴登堡凶兆之说的盲人数学家米耶卡(JimMiekka)说,眼下该指标显示,9月份将发生股市崩溃。Latest knee problem, a torn medial collateral ligament, is not considered career-threatening for the young Lakers center.