The shelves and numbers are the storage system. The card indices are the retrieval system.
书架和书号是存储系统, 卡片索引是检索系统.
That's the number on the upper left hand corner of the card.
Please tell me the codes and titles of the book.
Just call us and give the codes and titles of the books you want to renew.
Non - paid news, trading ISBN , unreasonable ask for a high reward.
严禁有偿新闻 、 买卖书号 、 无理索取高额报酬.
This paper introduces an automatic recognition scheme for the call number image.
During the year, 300 new publishers'prefixes conforming to ISBN were issued.
年内, 该组共签发300个国际标准书号的出版社识别代号.
Short for International Standard Book Number.
Book contains the name, ISBN , price, inventory data such as the number of members.
编写book类.包含书籍名称, 书号,单价, 库存数量等数据成员.
Information offered on the page contained name, author , ISSN, and publisher of books for readers.
在网页上为读者列出了书籍的书名 、 作者 、 书号和出版商等信息.
The office is also the local agent for the International Standard Book Numbering ( ISBN ) System.
Then, we will show you how to shelve the books readcall numbers according to the System.
那麽, 我们会告诉你怎样以国会图书馆分类法,按书号排书.
China standard number consists of two parts: international standard book number and book catalogue number - serial number.
Call number to identify the management of the library collection is of great significance.
ISSN : Short for International Standard Serial Number . The periodical equivalent of an ISBN.
国际标准期刊号: 英文是国际标准期刊号的缩写.采用国际标准书号的方法编号.