
汉语拼音:yín zhēn



  1. 指细笔划的篆书。

    清 龚自珍 《能令公少年行》:“银针玉薤芝泥封, 秦 疏 汉 密 齐 梁 工。”

  2. 指针灸用针。



    • Some acupuncturists still use gold and silver needles but the majority only use stainless steel ones.


    • Subtilely, it flutters like silver pins , ever and agah, it drips like notes taping.

      似有若无, 时而似银针飞舞, 时而点点滴滴像音符轻敲.

    • Jinhua for Marigold flowers are in full bloom movements, with Silver Needle tea from the packages.

      “金花怒放”是以金盏花为花芯, 用银针茶包裹而成的.

    • Yeah, it's as white as silver and its water clear, such as the silver needle.

      是的.茶叶是银白色的,茶水清澈, 比如说银针茶.

    • Junshan silver needle is famous for its excellent shape, color, aroma and taste.

      君山银针以形 、 色 、 香、味俱美著称于世.