The robber and the murderer would often escape unpunished, did not the injuries which our tempers sustain, provoke us into justice.
假如我们所感受的侮辱不能激怒我们起来要求伸张正义,强盗和杀人凶手将会常常追逐法外。The time of justice has now come, and I tell you that I believe sincerely that no force can hold it back.
伸张正义的时刻已经到来,并且我可以告诉你们,我真诚相信,没有任何力量可以阻挡这一时刻的到来。"Democracy will avenge the death of my wife, and the thousands of other Pakistanis and citizens of the world, " he said.
他说:“民主会为我妻子的死,为成千上万其他巴基斯坦人和世界其他地方人们的丧生而伸张正义。”Over the weekend, hundreds of protesters rallied a few blocks from the Kremlin to call for justice in the Kashin case.
在上周末,数百名抗议者在距克林姆林宫几个街区远的地方举行了一场号召为卡申案伸张正义的游行。What he does say, is you've got to take care of the poor, you have to do justice, you have to right things.
他只是说你得照顾穷人,伸张正义,做正确的事。After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice.
被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。"This award must be shared by everyone who strives for justice and dignity, " he said.
他说:“这一奖项应该由每个致力于伸张正义和维护尊严的人共同获得。”Your positions provide you with many opportunities to open your mouth, judge righteously; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
你们的职业也让你们有很多开口伸张正义﹐维护那些贫穷和有需要的人的权益的机会。The point was clear: people somehow feel shut out of the world of courts and lawyers where justice is supposedly done.