This is, of course , what the fable of money's neutrality implies.
这 当然 是货币中立这个神话所意涵的.
The two scenarios have distinct implications.
According to such result, the managerial implications and follow - up recommendations were summarized in this research.
针对上述结果, 本研究提出管理意涵与 后续 研究建议.
The researcher combines and discusses with practice meaning according to the theory the result of study.
At last we propose empirical digital publishing strategies of to the new entrants and the incumbents.
In other words, the associate with landmarks will change along with economic and political factors.
换句话说, 今日的常民地标意涵是会随着经济、政治等因素而流逝.
But while it has acquired a silly elasticity, it has also acquired rich layers of meaning.
虽然自恋者一词的运用既可笑且标准不一, 但同时它也具有丰富的意涵.
People have always been fascinated by dreams and have always sought to understand them.
The declining standard Chinese language and the half - baked understanding of Chinese characters are the causes.
According to the results, the implications of the findings for practice and further researches are discussed.
最后,本研究根据研究的发现与结论, 对于后续之研究与企业提出相关意涵与实务建议.
The people who build extraordinary careers never lose sight of what success really means.
We need to understand the true nature of the teaching and contemplate ( meditate ) its true meanings.
我们应该了解我们的佛法 导师 -梁老师所教导的真实意涵,并应深思其中的真义.
But, as always with this artist, even the prosaic topic can hold existential implications.
但对这位艺术家, 平凡的主题向来都带有存在的意涵.