
    • Plate heart draw baby play picture a luscious, vivid description.

      碟心绘婴戏图,人物生动传神, 底书“大清雍正年”六字青花楷书款.

    • Qinghua wares are refined, natural, sprightly, have a strong decoration.

      青花的特点是明快 、 新、致、方, 装饰性强, 素为国内外人士所珍爱;并且在世界的制造瓷器的工艺中有着极为重要的地位.

    • That porcelain looks really nice, with its white background color.


    • Potential allelochemicals in rhizosphere soil under green pricklyash are identified by gasspectrometer ( GC - MS ).

      用气质联用仪分析了 青花 椒根际区不同深度土壤水浸液中化感物质的成分.

    • Jingdezhen commercial kilns were the dominant producers of folkblue and white porcelain in late Ming Dynasty.


    • They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.


    • Relics found at the site include green glazed porcelain plates, blue porcelains and other rare antiques.

      这次从海底挖掘出的文物包括有,绿釉瓷盘 、 青花瓷器和其他罕见的古董.

    • This box molding is comparatively complicated, blue white flower is bright - colored, layout is proper.

      此盒成型较为复杂, 青花发色浓艳, 布局疏密得当.

    • External wall draws peach, pomegranate, Litchi meaning of long - lived and have many sons and grand sons.

      外壁绘制三多纹,为桃 、 石榴 、 荔枝各三,寓意长寿多子.纹饰绘画精细,青花发色艳丽.

    • Eating omega fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel will help moisturise dry hair.
