
汉语拼音:jīn nóng



金农 [jīn nóng]
  1. 人名。(公元1687~1764)字寿门,又字司农、吉金,号冬心,清浙江钱塘人。诗文书画俱佳,隶书古朴,楷书自创一格,号称「漆书」。擅画竹、梅、鞍马、佛像、人物、山水,格调拙厚淳朴,为扬州八怪之一。着有《冬心先生集》、《冬心先生杂着》。


    • Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers' quarters.


    • "Oh dear, oh dear." McKinnon sighed. "You, too."


    • McKinnon looked at him unemotionally.


    • McKinnon gave the wheel another slight nudge.


    • McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.


    • The answer lies in what Prof McKinnon calls " conflicted virtue "

      回答在于麦金农教授所称的 “ 冲突的美德 ”

    • McKinnon in 2002 by British police arrest, then repeated stand trial.

      麦金农2002年遭英国警方逮捕, 随后多次出庭受审.

    • McKinnon in 2002 by the British police arrest, then repeated stand trial.

      麦金农2002年被英国警方逮捕, 随后多次出庭受审.

    • The interest theories are also reviewed in the sequence of Economics Schools , focusing on McKinnon - Shaw Model.

      通过对有关利率理论的回顾,以经济学派为线索,着重介绍了金融自由化理论中的 麦金农- 肖模型.

    • So when might it change? The answer lies in what Prof McKinnon calls " conflicted virtue "

      什么时候有可能改变 呢 ?回答在于麦金农教授所称的 “ 冲突的美德 ”

    • Translated Description : Lingbao lettering McKinnon rich apple orchards, posts word apple, crystal apple.

      灵宝金农果园盛产红富士苹果, 帖字苹果, 水晶红富士苹果.

    • But, as Ronald McKinnon of Stanford University points out , there is even more.

      但是, 正如斯坦福大学的罗纳德#麦金农(Ronaldmckinnon)指出的那样, 原因不止这些.