
汉语拼音:fēng qù yōu mò



    • She likes the man of no little humour.


    • Tension between Don Quixote andin their witty dialogue; comedy and tragedy coexist in the protagonist.

      从二人一路上风趣幽默的对话中, 可以看出他们自身存在的对立矛盾,从堂吉诃德的喜剧性形象中渗透出的悲剧色彩.

    • I graduated from junior high school star, I and cheerful character, witty humor.

      我毕业于红星初中, 我的性格活泼开朗, 风趣幽默.

    • Now and then he jolted a nodding reader awake by inserting a witty paragraph ( Walter Blair )

      他不时地插入一段风趣幽默的话,让打瞌睡的读者提起精神 ( 沃尔特布莱尔 )

    • They are loud or quiet, funny or severe, tough or gentle, boisterous or shy.

      他们有些喜欢大声讲话, 有些喜欢窃窃私语;有些风趣幽默,有些严肃古板;有些野蛮粗暴,有些温文儒雅;有些外向喧闹, 有些内向羞涩.

    • Tthe accountability feels , docile, old suuare, had better have the romantic call, healthy body, age at 40 -- 60 years old.

      我要求寻找的男士是一位有责任感, 身体健康,风趣幽默, 善良,大方,喜欢运动, 并且有一定的经济基础, 有住房, 年龄在40至60岁之间.

    • I also enjoy a man who sense of humor, mild temper.

      风趣幽默 、 品性好的男人会更能打动我.