I cannot change your past with its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories, but I can be there when you need me to care.
我不能改变你伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。Although Sicily's proximity to Rome has given the island a rich history, it now stands as a true fledgling among the European powers.
虽然靠近罗马城的地理优势,使得西西里这个岛屿的历史精彩纷呈,但现在她却像一只羽毛初长的雏鸟处于欧洲列强的环绕之中。THE internet, wonderful though it is, reinforces one of life's fundamental divisions: that between the literate and the illiterate.
英特网,自是精彩纷呈,同时也加剧了那些受教育的人和文盲之间在人生里的根本分歧。It was a marvellous game of football, crackling with intensity from the first whistle, ebbing and flowing with attacking play.
这场足球比赛精彩纷呈,从一开场就火药味十足,双方攻势如潮,进攻打的行云流水。To this end, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will present to you a brilliant performance this evening.
为此,今晚上海交响乐团还将献给朋友们一台精彩纷呈的演出。THE divorce of a celebrity couple could hardly be juicier than the corporate battle that began on March 10th in a Delaware court.
3月10日在特拉华州法院开演的公司大战精彩纷呈,简直让社会名流的离婚官司也相形见绌。Try and think about living - thousands of other people live full and rewarding lives despite HIV, you can do it too.
试想一下,这世界上有成千上万的感染者过着精彩纷呈的生活而把HIV抛在脑后,你也一样可以做到。I don't need to tell you how wonderful and powerful the internet is.
我无需向你介绍因特网的力量和精彩纷呈。After a day of fierce and brilliant game, champion finally won by the A-PLUS. Besides, the proceeds they gained will be donated to charity.