Check out the crowd! *Tips* The parking here can be quite limited so you might have to find parking lots at opposite shops or nearby houses.
看到了吧,这里有够热闹的。在此有个小贴士:这里的停车位有限,所以驾车人士可能需要到对面店屋或附近组屋找停车位。The cats are housed in a compound about the size of a three-room flat.
猫儿居住的院子面积只有三房式组屋般大小。The classification of public spaces within new towns can serve as social spaces to promote the new geo-relationship.
新市镇内部层层规划的公共社会空间,提供组屋居民进行社交活动的场所,以促进新的地缘关系形成。Almost all Singaporeans lived as small nuclear families in these apartment blocks.
几乎所有居住在这的新加坡人都是小核心家庭单位。这些组屋座落于各个市镇。In the block of flats where I live, my Malay and Indian neighbours would greet me and sometimes we even communicate by sign language.
在我所住的组屋区,无论马来人还是印族人,都会主动与我打招呼表示友好,有时还做出各种手势相互沟通。This study mainly looks into the nation politics under the government's housing policy, and with the view of geography.
本文的研究目的主要欲自地理学对于地景的解读观点出发,探讨官方在组屋政策中推动的国族政治。I live in a block of flats near the market.
我住在靠近市场的一座组屋里。For the past two months, a stall at Toa Payoh had seen its business increase by more than 50 per cent.
在过去两个月,在新加坡大巴窑组屋区有家小贩生意很红火生意量多出50%以上。The government has also embarked on a big HDB building programme.