Eugene was concocting Rossini Cocktails from champagne and pureed raspberries.
Nose: Ripe, juicy strawberry and raspberry aromas with delicate vanilla spice undertones.
气味: 成熟草莓汁和覆盆子的香气混合着细致优雅的香草香料的味道.
Melt the gelatine powder with hot water. Stir into raspberry.
鱼胶粉与热水调至溶解, 拌入覆盆子液中.
Banana, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, mint, kiwis, you name it!
香蕉, 草莓, 覆盆子, 黑莓, 薄荷, 奇异果, 你可以任意使用!
This slice of luscious silky - smooth cheesecake comes topped with delicious raspberry sauce.
这小片美味的丝滑起司蛋糕上面点缀着可口的覆盆子酱. 让你欲罢不能.
Flavor characteristics: Fresh cut grass, gooseberries, currant, green beans and asparagus.
口味特征: 新鲜草味, 覆盆子, 加仑, 豌豆和卢笋.
Semidouble pink and raspberry bell. Variegated dark green and white. Miniature.
半重瓣粉红色和覆盆子色铃铛花. 深绿色和白色组合成的斑叶. 迷你型.
RESULTS The optimal medium for rapid propagation was selected.
A raspberry sound ; a Bronx cheer.
Like cool raspberry and spicy nacho cheese?
Red Raspberry is a mild astringent.
I've always wondered what raspberry cordial tastes like.
Papain, blueberry and raspberry extract.
成份:木瓜蛋白酶 、 蓝莓、覆盆子萃取物.
Fold the egg white cream and Kirsch into raspberry mixture to form mousse.
OBJECTIVE To provide seedlings of high quality Rubus ching ii by plant tissue culture.