His wife, a short, thin woman with a disagreeable face, came out to see. 'He's very small, 'she said immediately.
他的妻子是个瘦小枯干、面目可憎的女人。她走出来看了一眼,马上说:“他太小了。”Turns out the ship has been taken over by an evil and really gross alien menace that turns human corpses into horrible deformed zombies.
飞船已经被一个邪恶的、面目可憎的危险外星生物侵占,它能将人类的尸体比为可怕而畸形的僵尸。A man of rather forbidding countenance drew a revolver and thrust the weapon into his face .
一位面目可憎的男人拨出左轮手枪,猛然对准他的面部。Of course, the argument to buy stocks because bonds are appalling is really just a version of the so-called Fed Model.
当然,因为债券面目可憎而买股票的说法只是所谓的美联储模型的一个版本。If I tape an 11-hour day, guess which parts end up on air. Not the bits when I'm pleasant, but the parts when I'm obnoxious.
如果我一天录上11个小时,猜猜最后现场节目以什么告终,不会是我满面春风的那些场景,而一定会是我面目可憎的那些画面。In his laboratory, through the numerous explorations, he has created a terrifying, strange Frankenstein Qichou unparalleled image objects.
在他的实验室里,通过无数次的探索,他创造了一个面目可憎,奇丑无比的怪科学怪人形象物。Soundwave has a pet bird that turns into a guitar . He 's that awesome .
声波还有他的宠物——变形为吉他的激光鸟。他面目可憎。Without reading for three days, language would be tasteless and terrifying.
古人曾经说过,三日不读书,语言会无味,而且面目可憎。William and Kate have to invite half the world's dictators, and an unappetizing variety of celebrities.