The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well.
Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed.
The tone depends on the type of exposed rock.
By coincidence or other wise, the largest channel is exposed in the Beaver Divide escarpment.
由于巧合或其他原因, 最大通道在比佛迪维特陡壁区出露的位置.
Yanshanian strongly peraluminous intrusive rocks occur sporadically in the Hebei - Shanxi - Liaoning area.
燕山期强过铝质侵入岩零星出露于 冀晋 辽地区.
The Cambrian - Ordovician strata in Luxi Block are very continuous and well exposed.
鲁西地块的寒武 - 奥陶纪地层出露连续,露头较好.
Miocene formations ( better: strata ) are well - exposed in this area.
Early - Precambrian rocks are widely exposed in Dunhuang - Beishan area, GansuProvince.
甘肃敦煌 - 北山地区广泛出露早前寒武纪岩石.
It holds also one of the most complete successions of the Cambrian strata known in China.
Usually , there are densely distributed small instable rocks in a low - angled stratofabric rock slope.
In Enshi County the exposed selenium deposits are as wide as 850 square kilometers theythey areground.
There are Middle | Lower Devonian Sanhuokou Group and Middle | Upper Proterozoic Bikou Group in the ore district.
Many ultrabasic bodies in the orogenic association occur along strike faults, which gives a concordant relationship.
与造山运动共生的许多超基性岩体沿着走向断层出露, 表现出假的整合关系.
The basement in South Qinling, Mianxian Lueyang Yangxian and areasdistributed in some sporadic and is.
依据陕南秦岭造山带区域地质及重力资料, 按是否露出地表将前寒武纪基底划分为出露基底和隐伏基底两种类型.
The southern Jilin area is one of the well — developed Palaeoproterozoic regions in China.