Fresh skimmed milk with hygienic package has a delicious taste.
The recipe says that you can substitute regular milk with fat - free milk.
Skimmed milk is good if you are on a diet.
Make your porridge with semi - skimmed or skimmed milk, or water.
在你的燕麦粥中加入半脱脂牛奶或全脱脂牛奶, 或者水.
They're also found naturally in foods like yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and tofu.
它们也天然地存在于酸奶 、 脱脂牛奶 、 泡菜和豆腐中.
Table with plates, knives and full a cup of skim milk.
桌子有盘子 、 刀子和满满的一杯脱脂牛奶.
In contrast, it dropped 12 % when they consumed the nonfat milk drink.
相反, 当他们饮用脱脂牛奶时,减少了12%.
Skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk.
I'd like decaffeinated espresso with skimmed mike.
Would dairy products such as skim milk and cheese and yoghurt be available?
Use whipping cream for dry and irritated skin, or skim milk for oily skin.
打泡奶油适合用于干燥和受刺激的皮肤, 脱脂牛奶适合用于油性皮肤.
POSISEAL PS # 2 DPS has a light milky appearance ( similar to skim milk ) but dries clear & flat .
2高渗透性混凝土 密封剂 呈乳白色 ( 类似于脱脂牛奶 ).
So eat right, exercise and drink lowfat or fat free milk . Talk about a smooth move.
所以正确的饮食 、 合理的锻炼,再加上每天喝低脂或者脱脂牛奶,是最正确的选择.
What is the difference between Nonfat and Skim milk and why do Organic Valley's cartons vary?
区别是什么脱脂,脱脂,脱脂牛奶和为什么这样做有机山谷的纸箱相同 吗 ?
A hard, sharp, dry Italian cheese made from skim milk and usually served grated asgarnish.