



    • Confucius said: just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct.

      子曰: 良药苦于利于病, 忠言逆耳利于行.

    • Confucius once said , Instruction knows no class distinction.

      子曰:“有教无类. ”

    • Ran Qiu said, " Not that I do not like your Way, sir , but that my ability is insufficient. "

      冉求曰, “ 非不说子之道, 力不足也.”子曰,“力不足者,中道而废,今女画. ”

    • Confucius says , " Having heard the Way in the morning , one may die content in the evening. "

      子曰: “ 朝闻道, 夕死可矣. ”

    • Just to test an offline blog management software, It is made by China.

      测试一下菊子曰这个软件.据说可以帮助离线管理博客. 比较方便.

    • The Master said: " A fault is called a fault if it is not amended. "

      子曰: “ 过而弗改,是之谓过.”先生说: “犯了过失而不改正,这才叫过失.”

    • Confucius said: I have never seen one who really loves humaneness or really hates nonhumaneness.

      子曰: [我未见好仁者,恶不仁者.