This man had exercised the office of turnkey with so much vigilance, acuteness, and fidelity, that he gradually rose to be governor.
此公当看守一向谨慎小心,精明能干,忠心耿耿,因此逐步迁升为典狱。she had the efficient air, AS though she carried the British Empire in her pocket.
她显出一副精明能干的样子,仿佛整个大英帝国都揣在她口袋里似的。Elegant and intelligent, she was so big that the charm, but she have innate superior conditions, and acquired entirely inseparable.
气质高雅、精明能干的她之所以有这么大的魅力,这除了她拥有先天优越的条件外,和后天的学习完全分不开。I'm sure one of your gifts is the gift of a smart and capable brain.
我确信你们的天赋之一就是拥有精明能干的头脑。Phil knows a thing or two about managing egos, and he's put that knowledge to use this season.
菲尔在管理球员方面是精明能干的,他也把它很好地运用在这个赛季。Hence, a good fruit grower today is as keen as the best of city businessmen.
因此,在今天,一个优秀的果树生产者要象城市商人一样地精明能干。Heidi Bressler , from Philadelphia. I'm a senior account executive for one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world.
在世界上最大的一家电信公司做高级业务经理。精明能干张扬,有点儿性情中人,且很懂得利用女人的优势。Sister Irene was a tall , deft woman in her early thirties .
艾琳修女是个三十出头、精明能干的高个妇女。A friend who used to manage a trading department in London had a woman on his team who was a very good trader.