汉语拼音:kuī rán bú dòng
- 【解释】:岿然:高峻独立的样子。象高山一样挺立着一动不动。形容高大坚固,不能动摇。
- 【出自】:《淮南子·诠言训》:“至德,道者若丘山,嵬然不动,行者以为期也。”
- 【示例】:敌军围困万千重,我自~。
- 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;含褒义
The old man did not appear to notice it, and held both his arms with one hand, with the sovereign indifference of absolute force.
老人好象没有感到这些似的,用一只手抓住他的两只手臂,镇定自若,岿然不动。They were navigating in a violent sea, shifting their weight this way and that to stay upright another day.
他们过去一直都在汹涌波涛的大海中掌舵航行,按照持续和渐进的方式来调整自己的重心,并且在新的一天岿然不动。But of the ten banks to have spilt the most red ink over the past year (see table), five have the same chief executives in place.
然而去年十家亏损最严重的银行中(见表),仍有五家的总裁岿然不动。Like tattoos and bitter family feuds, the US housing market is still there, stubbornly refusing to improve.
就像纹身和严酷的家族斗争一样,美国房地产市场岿然不动,固执地拒绝好转。Arthur still sat glued to his perch, not even chasing away the turkey vultures that circled overhead.
亚瑟仍旧在那儿岿然不动,甚至连在头顶盘旋的兀鹰也毫无捕猎的兴趣。The stock split will continue to exist, the active small-cap stocks is still not as strong, but blue-chip market Kuiranbudong.
股价的分化现象将继续存在,小盘股的活跃度依然较强,大盘蓝筹股却岿然不动。Despite that, China's domestic fuel prices has long remained intact and that aroused public complaints.
除此以外,中国国内燃油价格“岿然不动”,引起了公众的不满。China, the host country, has been applauded by the world for maintaining a sound economy during the financial crisis.
此轮经融危机,中国经济岿然不动,让世界赞叹。The Hukou system remains in place, cities continue to grow, and land still belongs to the state.