汉语拼音:dào tīng tú shuō
路上听到的 传闻,随后就在路上传播出去。指没有根据的传闻。《论语 阳货》:“道听而塗(途)说,德之弃也。”
- 【解释】:道、途:路。路上听来的、路上传播的话。泛指没有根据的传闻。
- 【出自】:《论语·阳货》:“道听而途说,德之弃也。”《汉书·艺文志》:“小说家者流,盖出于稗官,街谈巷语,道听途说者之所造也。”
- 【示例】:妹子~,不知是否?尚求指示。
◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第五十三回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;含贬义
You may have noticed now much of what I've told you already is hearsay - someone saw something and told me and I told you.
你或许已经注意到,我告诉你的许多事情都是道听途说——某人看到某件事以后告诉我,而我再告诉你。I'm only here to say the truth because I believe that there's too much lies going around and too much controversy and too much hearsay.
我只想说,现在有太多的谎言,前后矛盾,很多都是道听途说。One apocryphal tale centred on Indian workers who had been given the job of keying the results of the latest British census into a database.
这里有个道听途说的故事,主人公是位印度职员,他需要将最近一次英国人口普查的统计结果输入电脑数据库。This was not just a rumor, it was true.
这是事实,不是道听途说。It was all based upon folklore and hearsay when I looked through the scientific literature.
当我浏览科学作品的时候,我发现这个理论全都是基于民间传说和道听途说的。Refusing to believe lies about myself or others regardless of the source -- including what I hear from within.
拒绝相信来自自己或者他人的任何谎言——包括道听途说之言。Readily Believing Rumours Is Acting Like A Silly Dog Which Quickly Picks Up A Stone That People Throw Away.
轻信道听途说,就像一只傻狗,别人随便扔了一块石头就急忙跑去捡。Yet Mr Spatuzza's account is hearsay, based on what he claims to have been told by a more senior mafioso.
尽管斯帕图扎的帐目是道听途说,但是他声称他是在更高级的黑手党那里听来的。While this may seem like largely anecdotal advice, there's plenty of research to back it up.