
汉语拼音:jìn shēn



  1. 院子或房间等的深度。

    清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·新城北录中》:“佛龕例阔五尺九寸三分,进深一尺七寸五分,高四尺七寸。”《江苏风物志·文物古迹·宅第》:“ 清 初建筑继续 明 式风格,其后逐渐将间数、进深、高度加大,以及向雕刻加多的方面发展。” 张寿臣 《麦子地》:“正房多高多大,多长的面宽,多大的进深!”


    • Once you're stuck in deep snow, it's difficult to lever yourself out.

      你一旦陷进深雪中, 那就很难出来.

    • First floor depth of a house six, around are the porches.

      底层进深六间, 前后为廊.

    • Can you tell me the depth and breadth of this house?


    • And turn into a teardrop, dripping to the night.

      化作一滴泪珠, 掉进深夜里.

    • Are there any special requirements on depth of rooms?


    • The design allows sufficient lighting, open space and north - south permeability.

      全明设计, 大开间小进深,户型 南北 通透,空间开阔,多角度采光.

    • He deeper and deeper into the deep water.


    • Wisdom Hall of sitting east to west, Miankuo 3, 11.7 m - long, two three - deep into the rafter.

      般若殿坐东向西, 面阔三间, 通长十一点七米, 进深两间三椽.

    • Vicky : Well , I shanked my first drive off the tee into the rough.

      嗯, 我在开球的球座区把球打偏了,打进深草区里.

    • Hall of the seven broad, deep into four, four Arab - Israeli Danyan top shape.

      殿向面宽七间, 进深四间, 单檐四阿顶形制.