
  • The collector's heart stood still as he saw that the sheet, which had been offered him, had inverted centers.

  • All of a sudden, my heart seemed to be enveloped by an immense loving power, as a warm current of energy permeated my heart.

  • In a flash he remembered everything and a plan began to form in his mind.

  • If it were only moment of pleasure it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment.

  • For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side. The he straightened himself and began another circle.

  • All of a sudden, Wrigley Field was not just a place for baseball, it became the biggest party you would ever see on a Tuesday night.

  • When he did look he saw, in a split second of time, Mary turn her eyes away from his face.

  • He saw a bus coming his way at high speed and before he could say Jack Robinson, it collided with him.

  • Like the sun like the sun, if sea water as love, lost passion as if youll be looking back, feeling back to the youth age.
