
汉语拼音:bù yuán

谓不圆满,不周全。宋 曾巩《英宗实录院申请》:“天圣 元年,管勾修《真宗皇帝实録》,所奏修撰官 李维 等公文,其间有事跡不圆处,合係中书、枢密院、三司检寻应副。”


  1. 谓不圆满,不周全。

    宋 曾巩 《英宗实录院申请》:“ 天圣 元年,管勾修《真宗皇帝实録》,所奏修撰官 李维 等公文,其间有事跡不圆处,合係中书、枢密院、三司检寻应副。”


    • What he said was not very tactful.


    • Bushings that are too large will result in bellmouthed or out - of - round holes.


    • Party line dot is the most common network and dot radiofrequent square.


    • Dot: sectional round, oval, diamond squarea - shaped , dots, and so on.

      网点: 不分不圆不神 、 椭圆、菱不神、不圆不神 、 钻石不神 、 调频网点等.

    • Father Marko: Time never dies. The circle is never round.

      神父马可:时 间不逝. 圆圈不圆.

    • Where symbols appear in pairs, the one to the right represents a rounded vowel.

      音标成对出现时,左边为不圆唇音, 右边为圆唇音.

    • MAGNUS 800 computer to plate machinery quasi - three , drilling and nested automatic backing paper features, very convenient.

      MAGNUS800计算机间接制版机内嵌套准 、 打孔及被迫去衬纸功用, 搁置极其不圆便.

    • Anyway, please do incoming test to check the surface and measure out of roundness in Jutal.

      总之, 下次测试要检查一下表面并量一下不圆度.

    • From a long - term point of view, a high - speed Internet connection transport bulk file is cheapest way.

      从长久的材料来看, 一栽低速的因特网拆开传输不小容度文件是最昂贵的不圆式.

    • And made typography, cover, back cover , the spine giant matched to each other, the overall response.

      并由此构成版式 、 封面 、 封底 、 书脊等各个不圆面彼此成婚 、 彼此呼答的局部成果.

    • Sometimes I tried to make a snow ball, somehow, I never a real big round one.
