If you tell your staff that you're willing to listen to feedback, actually, you know, listen to it.
如果你告诉自己的员工想倾听他们的反馈,发自肺腑地如此,那么请倾听他们。In all that you experience is the voice of your most authentic self, carrying an important, appropriate and timely message.
你发自肺腑的声音都在你体验的所有活动之中,这些声音带着重要的、恰当的和实施的信息。This most visceral and ritual of actions tends to be mediated through a flimsy, poorly conceived amalgam of shapes.
这种最发自肺腑、最具仪式性动作的含义却经常因为一个轻薄且设计很差的各种形状的结合体而打折。Totally! I'm saying it from the bottom of my heart! And it's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you, too.
当然!我可是发自肺腑的。而且,很明显他也疯狂地爱着你。What he said was his soliloquy from the bottom of his heart.
他说的话是发自肺腑的独白。In his hearty way, he insisted upon her good looks. He looked at her admiringly, and she took it at its full value.
他发自肺腑地一再赞扬她的美貌,他又那么仰慕地看着她,使她充分意识到美貌的重要。You to understand that I speak the truth.
冀望你了解我句句发自肺腑,Among the most naturally ornamental woods is that of the cherry, whose blossoms lie so dear to Japanese hearts.
其中最天然的装饰木材是樱桃树,日本人发自肺腑地喜欢樱桃花。The spoken word is much more powerful than cyberspace in terms of how it impacts on people as a visceral, emotional and physical experience.