汉语拼音:jù jīng huì shén
汉王褒《圣主得贤臣颂》:“聚精会神,相得益章。” 原指君臣协力,集思广益。后用来形容集中精神,专心一意。
- 【解释】:会:集中。原指君臣协力,集思广益。后形容精神高度集中。
- 【出自】:汉·王褒《圣主得贤臣颂》:“聚精会神,相得益(章)彰。”
- 【示例】:看校样时的~,就和在写作的时候一样,因为我的目的要使它没有一个错字。
◎邹韬奋《经历·一个小小的过街楼》 - 【语法】:联合式;作主语、谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
But I have to be honest. Lemur-watching, like bird-watching, takes a bit of concentration.
但是诚实地说,观察猕猴和观察鸟类一样,需要聚精会神。At first he thought this was because he had allowed his will to weaken, the concentrated power of his mind to grow slack.
起初,他以为这是因为自己意志不够坚定,让聚精会神的注意力涣散了。the whole thing is so new to me that I shall have to gather myself and observe.
所有这些对我来说是全新的,我得聚精会神地观察一下。Not that it's always bad to let the mind wander, it's just bad if you're trying to focus.
这并不意味着心不在焉永远是坏事,但当你想要聚精会神的时候,那样肯定是不好的。Tell your body and your guidance that for the duration of the journey you need to be able to concentrate fully on what you are doing.
让你的身体和你的指导灵知道,在整个旅途中你需要聚精会神于你所在做的事。Hurst, principally occupied in playing with her bracelets and rings, joined now and then in her brother's conversation with Miss Bennet.
赫斯脱太太聚精会神地在玩弄自己的手镯和指环,偶而也在她弟弟跟班纳特小姐的对话中插几句嘴。Very quickly Jack stepped to the side of the road, lay down in the ditch, and began to look very intently up into the sky.
杰克很快走到路边儿,躺在沟里,聚精会神地朝天上看。She was so absorbed in a book that she did not hear me call.
她聚精会神地在读书,没听见我叫她。One evening, as he wandered through the suburbs with his whole attention fixed on the sky, he fell accidentally into a deep well.