He drew from his creative background to craft Zeitgeist: The Movie, which he launched online to address his frustrations with the system.
他从他创造性的背景获取营养,来创作时代精神:电影,他在网上发布了这部电影,以表达他对这个体系的不满。He calls: on pins and needles expecting a call image too not the spirit of the age, "as long as I'm glad to have what can't? "
等他来电:坐立不安地等电话的形象太没有时代精神了,“只要我高兴,有什么不可以?”Fashion is always the spirit of the age of impressionism.
时尚永远是时代精神的写意。My Understanding of "Any Genuine Philosophy is the Essence of the Spirit of Its Times"
解读“任何真正的哲学都是自己时代精神的精华”In contemporary Chinese public discussion, the word "nationalism" always gets on the sensitive nerves of the spirit of the age.
当今中国的公共论述中,“民族主义”语词不断敲打着时代精神的敏感神经。Fundamentally the artistic creation is the creation of era spirit and the spirit of every era is unique.
艺术创作从根本上说是时代精神的产物,而每个时代也都有自己独特的精神气质。TZM chapters continue popping up in far reaches of the world, surpassing any expectation Joseph ever had.
时代精神运动的分部继续不断的在世界延伸发展,超过约瑟夫的任何预期。The last chapter, as is Coupland's penchant, was an index of different zeitgeist terms.
最后一章,按照库普兰写书的习惯,只是不同的时代精神术语的收录。IGN TV: What was it like to be part of the huge zeitgeist event that show became?